Monday, April 1, 2013

"Clunk Clunk Clunk"

One of Lillian's favorite toys is her wand. All it is, is a black plastic tube with pink and purple feathers along with tinsel on the end. This was one of Lilly Belle's first toys... it has been through a lot. I think it is almost time to get her a new wand.

But she seriously drags this thing around everywhere she can! Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night with a slight pain under my back, so I roll and feel.. sure enough it is Lillian's wand. She was playing with it and I ended up rolling over top of it!

These are snapshots of Lillian dragging her wand down the stairs so the family can play with her. Everybody knows when she is bringing it downstairs because all of a sudden you hear the "clunk clunk clunk" of the plastic hitting the wooden stairs. It is hilarious to watch this long wand getting drug by this tiny cat.


You can tell by Lillian's stance and just looking into her eyes that it is game on with the wand. As soon as somebody picks up the wand and waves it ever so slightly, she attacks it! When she attacks it, she sometimes even stands up all the way and paws at it. 
Ms. Lilly Belle is such a cold blooded huntress. At least I know I am protected by a little cat. She is my guard cat so you better watch out... she is obviously ferocious.
~ Bailey Nicole & Lilly Belle

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what it is about those little "duster" toys but cats love them. I think it's because they have feathers and mimic birds. My friend spent some money on "official" toys before he found a toy that his cat loves more than anything: the little green rope things you get at Kroger. That cat goes ape sh*t for those things. They're free too so it's perfect!

    My cat loves milk-jug rings. You know, the little plastic rings that the cap is "stuck to" until you open it.
