Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Watchin' the Game Havin' a Bud

So this is an extremely random post.. I say that like my other posts aren't. Anyway, I took a picture of Lillian while she was yawning and it was seriously hilarious! There was a Budweiser commercial that erred in the mid- 2000's and it was the commercial when everybody would say "Wassup". Well the picture that I took of Lilly Belle looks like she is doing that commercial!

So this is the candid picture I snapped of Lillian. I seriously crack up every time I look at this picture though. Oh my gosh.. but like I said, totally random. Isn't it just like that commercial!?

~ Bailey Nicole & Lilly Belle

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sweet Summertime

Lillian and I have some pretty fun plans for this summer. Even though I will be taking classes at Heartland and I will be working quite a bit... I am going to make sure that Lilly Belle has the best first summer ever!

One of my plans is to go on bike rides with her! My mom has this really cute bicycle that has a little basket on the front of it where Lillian would fit perfectly! I can just see us now, going on nice little bike rides around town.

This is the beaut of a bike I was talking about with the adorable little white basket in the front where Lillian can just hang out. How cool would it be to take a ride with my cat in this baby!? I think it would be sweet, and a great story to tell. Although, I am not too sure how Lilly Belle will feel about riding in it. Guess we will just have to find out.

Another plan I have in mind is to dress Lillian up in adorable summer outfits! I already bought a cute summer dress for her... I also may have made her try it on already. It is too cute. Who knows, maybe I will get her a swim suit too.

This is the super cute summer dress that I just could not wait to put on her! Is it not the cutest thing ever?! The thing is... it is actually a dog dress. As I have mentioned before, I get small size dog clothes for her. They are still adorable though. This is where I got the dress, right here.

Lilly Belle is probably not too excited about all the sweet summer plans I have. That's okay, I just hope she has fun. I know I cannot wait for summer to get here, and it is just around the corner. It will be the best summer ever!

~ Bailey Nicole & Lilly Belle

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Just a Few Ideas

So I have a few ideas in mind for an annotated bibliography. It would be so awesome if you guys could let me know if these are actually good ideas for the sources I will use.

For one of my sources I plan on using the Walmart website. I want to use this website and set up a direct link to where I got one of Lillian's outfits... which was really meant for a small dog. This is a credible website because it is exactly where I bought the outfit. I would be able to use this source by going back to one of my posts when I mentioned the shirt Lilly Belle was wearing. This is a source that I plan on using for my blog.
Walmart Pet Supplies. http://www.walmart.com, N.D. Web. 4 April 2013.

Another source I plan on using will be the Petco website. I will use this in order to talk about where I get Lillian's collars from as well as her toys. I feel this is a credible source because once again, it is exactly where I get these supplies from. A way I could use this source in my blog would be to go back and put it in the post about Meeting the Boyfriend. I would put it in that post because I talked about how my boyfriend gets Lillian toys and bought her a collar... those were all bought from Petco.
Petco Cat Supplies. http://www.petco.com/, N.D. Web. 3 April 2013. 

The last source I plan to use will be an informal interview with my vet about declawing. I feel this is a very credible source to use because this vet obviously knows what he is talking about and he went through many years of schooling to become a vet. I plan on using this source in a post I will be doing soon. I will talk about how declawing is very controversial and then I will talk about how the vet did say it will be okay. I will go into more detail about everything in the actual post.
Sean, Dr. Personal Interview. N.D. 

Well, those are the ideas I have. Please let me know what you all think! Thank You. :)

~Bailey Nicole & Lilly Belle

Monday, April 1, 2013

"Clunk Clunk Clunk"

One of Lillian's favorite toys is her wand. All it is, is a black plastic tube with pink and purple feathers along with tinsel on the end. This was one of Lilly Belle's first toys... it has been through a lot. I think it is almost time to get her a new wand.

But she seriously drags this thing around everywhere she can! Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night with a slight pain under my back, so I roll and feel.. sure enough it is Lillian's wand. She was playing with it and I ended up rolling over top of it!

These are snapshots of Lillian dragging her wand down the stairs so the family can play with her. Everybody knows when she is bringing it downstairs because all of a sudden you hear the "clunk clunk clunk" of the plastic hitting the wooden stairs. It is hilarious to watch this long wand getting drug by this tiny cat.


You can tell by Lillian's stance and just looking into her eyes that it is game on with the wand. As soon as somebody picks up the wand and waves it ever so slightly, she attacks it! When she attacks it, she sometimes even stands up all the way and paws at it. 
Ms. Lilly Belle is such a cold blooded huntress. At least I know I am protected by a little cat. She is my guard cat so you better watch out... she is obviously ferocious.
~ Bailey Nicole & Lilly Belle