Monday, April 15, 2013

Sweet Summertime

Lillian and I have some pretty fun plans for this summer. Even though I will be taking classes at Heartland and I will be working quite a bit... I am going to make sure that Lilly Belle has the best first summer ever!

One of my plans is to go on bike rides with her! My mom has this really cute bicycle that has a little basket on the front of it where Lillian would fit perfectly! I can just see us now, going on nice little bike rides around town.

This is the beaut of a bike I was talking about with the adorable little white basket in the front where Lillian can just hang out. How cool would it be to take a ride with my cat in this baby!? I think it would be sweet, and a great story to tell. Although, I am not too sure how Lilly Belle will feel about riding in it. Guess we will just have to find out.

Another plan I have in mind is to dress Lillian up in adorable summer outfits! I already bought a cute summer dress for her... I also may have made her try it on already. It is too cute. Who knows, maybe I will get her a swim suit too.

This is the super cute summer dress that I just could not wait to put on her! Is it not the cutest thing ever?! The thing is... it is actually a dog dress. As I have mentioned before, I get small size dog clothes for her. They are still adorable though. This is where I got the dress, right here.

Lilly Belle is probably not too excited about all the sweet summer plans I have. That's okay, I just hope she has fun. I know I cannot wait for summer to get here, and it is just around the corner. It will be the best summer ever!

~ Bailey Nicole & Lilly Belle

1 comment:

  1. That bike is kind of nice. To get her used to being in the basket, you might want to bring the bike back with you, put it in your place, and start sitting on it with her in the basket. Get her used to it early and she'll probably be less prone to jumping out when you're actually riding in it.

    The dress is cute but I don't know how a cat, who already wears a coat year-round, will like having a dress on top of it. Make sure she's plenty hydrated on your rides! Fun post, however!
